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Arizona Democratic Party Redistricting Meeting

Please see below for an urgent message from the Arizona Democratic Party on redistricting.


There's no sugarcoating it. Republicans have been showing up in full force to the recent redistricting commission hearings. At every meeting, in every county, Republicans are demanding that the IRC ignore the need for competitive districts, and enforce strict limitations which would reduce representation for communities of color.

We must not let these radically undemocratic voices speak the loudest.

But this opportunity to fight back is almost over. That's why we need you to join us tomorrow, Sunday 8/8, at 5pm MST for an emergency redistricting update meeting with ADP staff:

Register - ADP Redistricting Update

Arizona's schools, our environment, our access to health care, our voting rights are ALL at stake. We need you to speak up now and tell the IRC that Arizona cannot afford to go back to the days of gerrymandered Republican maps. To protect the next ten years of Arizona elections, you must speak up now.

Sign Up Now Sunday 8/8 @ 5pm

The deadline to submit testimony to the IRC before they start drawing the maps is this Tuesday. Join us tomorrow night to learn how you can fight back nowTell the IRC that Arizona has come too far since 2010. We can't go back.

In solidarity,

Franny Sharpe
Elections Director
Arizona Democratic Party

August 8

Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission: Tucson Listening Tour

August 21

DCQC Speaker Series: Kino Border Initiative